My essential oil sales have always been half-hazard. They aren't products I create. They are products I've learned to trust and that if I buy enough, bottle them up, and redistribute them, we all can have access to great medicine for a great price. So please forgive that they don't look professionally beautiful; it's always my intention but I miss the mark because I find it's not important and not my product. They do not have embarrassing tincture tops and are in proper dark essential oil amber jars (blue is devastation) with euro dropper tops. Can you believe companies based on essential oil sales don't all already do that? So, my embarrassing labels and website page suits me just fine; my soul knows I have done my best and brought you a product that would have been hard for you to find on your own, in a form that will last you as quality.
I am not affiliated with any particular brand of essential oils. I do my best to try them all and decide which qualities/ethics/experiences I find to be the best on the market per specific oil I am hunting. Young Living has the world's best frankincense, for instance (I do not sell that; no way can we get affordable prices for medicine, but it's Luxury aroma). Wydmere and Wal-drugs have crap products. Tea Tree should never be sold in clear glass or without a eurodropper/roller vial. Doterra has a lovely-smelling citrus blend. And I've been admiring Plant Therapy's Rose Essential Oil from afar lately.
What I sell you in essential oils is because I have found something in bulk pricing that works well medicinally and makes sense on the wallet. I buy from reputable companies and almost always can produce a batch spectrometry report, if you have want of that please ask. If I find something unethical I don't use that product. If I buy a large batch I have tested their small batches first. If you know me, you would trust that what I'm giving you will work for what I am using it for: medicine.
I am clear if they have been diluted with a carrier oil; I dilute the absolutes or the extremely potent essential oils only if it is industry standard because the pure concentrate is too strong to use/enjoy on it's own. I do my best to leave my dilutions so they make sense for your use and are as strong as is valuable (usually stronger than or equal to the market where 3-7% is normal). I don't use jojoba as the carrier because I find myself breaking out when companies use jojoba, so I use Grapeseed Oil and have not once found a problem with that because the essential oils I use extend the shelf life of the oils they are in.
Essential oils have a shelf life, and it's not very long (each is different: citrus is 2-3 yrs). So make sure that you aren't using outdated oils, they do weird things to the hormones.
I am an essential oil nerd, junky, convert. I have half written the world's best book on Essential Oils. How do I know it's best? I read them all as fodder for the book. I read all the lab reports I can afford to get my hands on, critically evaluating how each is done. I read the websites, deplorable and untrustworthy as that is, and I have been experimenting, experiencing, and asking questions of others who do for many decades now. I have my own arsenal. Essential Oil Factoids is a living book. I don't know if it will ever be fully finished, but I'm hoping it can be published as a living book in the next year.
In the meantime, when you buy a jar of essential oil or absolutes from me, I will send you the notes from that section of my essential oil book for an extra $3 in Google Docs or $10 to print and snail mail. Proceeds go toward purchasing lab reports to expand my wisdom on the subject. They are quite expensive!
Essential Oils
Our stock and selection is always changing. When we need an oil we know we need a lot of, we buy it in bulk and pass the savings on to you. Sometimes we misorder or just have a feeling and also buy those to share with you. So, when we are out of the extra stock for other people, we don't simply automatically re-supply. Essential oils are an extreme quantity of raw material carefully created into a tiny bottle. They don't last long, so I dont' buy unless I know they will be completely used.
$10 Organic Orange from the USA. It's thrilling to me when I find a quality oil from the USA because products byStarLight so often use materials that must travel from very far across oceans and country lines. Necessary to me is that the Orange we ALL use is ORGANIC. I try to use organic because it's nice for everyone. However, citrus that is used often as an essential oil MUST be ORGANIC. It's essence comes from the peel...which is heavily sprayed in orchards that are not organic. Unfortunatly, I've had a very hard time finding an orange that both works and smells good that is organic. Once I did, I wanted to share with Everyone. Everyone should have this one bottle in their home and a wound care essential oil. Orange balances the hormones (seriously, people don't need nearly the psyche drugs they think they do if they would only use orange essential oil daily before that rabbit hole. I use it for seasonal depression; it brings the sunshine into the heart. Also, it's just wonderful smelling, cheap on the wallet, and is an excellent cramp/spasm reliever. To top it all off, Orange eo, unlike all the other citrus essential oils, is not photo-toxic so it wont cause sun burns even if you put it on in the hot desert summer noon. Lemon will even if you put it on at 7 am only on your feet bottoms or lemonade (in the desert summer).
$13 Frankincense: 90% of people I meet with arthritis are immediately relieved with just three drops of Frankincense on the pain spot. If it will work for you it will work within 5 minutes. There are 600 drops in a 1 oz bottle. It's not the best smelling Frank (Young Living has that at $200/oz), but I've learned to trust this farm quality to relieve arthritis and uplift the skin etc.